Privacy and Confidentiality
At Bayside Medical Aesthetics we take your rights seriously and your privacy is paramount. Bayside Medical Aesthetics will take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is protected from unauthorised access, misuse, modification and disclosure while stored or transmitted by us.
All information collected by this practice in providing treatment, services, and products to you is deemed to be private and confidential. This practice complies with Federal and State privacy regulations including the Privacy Act 1998 and the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s).
Your Information
We require your consent to collect and use information about you. We will use a variety of methods to collect your personal information including when you join the practice by completing and signing our new patient form and/or treatment consent form/s, telephone calls and via electronic delivery.
We collect personal and health related information for the primary purpose of providing comprehensive, ongoing, holistic medical treatment and care in accordance with accepted, high quality aesthetic medical practice.
The personal and health details we may require to be able to provide you with appropriate treatment and care include:
Your full name
Date of birth
Residential address and postal address
Contact phone number/s
Email address
Current Medicare number
Details of any allergies or suspected allergies
Current drugs or treatments used
Previous and current medical history, including where clinically relevant a family medical history
The name of any health service provider or medical specialist to whom you are or have been referred
Copies of any letters of referrals and copies of any reports back
Your Next of Kin and/or an emergency contact