Genesis laser


Laser genesis is a year-round aesthetic treatment designed to help smooth the skin, fade redness, scarring, and broken blood vessels, and improve the look of rosacea.

It also reduces the appearance of open pores, fine lines and wrinkles. Laser Genesis is the ultimate facial treatment for skin rejuvenation. By combining heat and cell stimulation to encourage natural renewal, Laser Genesis improves the look and texture of skin complexion and the structure and appearance of the skins surface over time.

Laser Genesis is suitable for both men and women of all ages and skin tones. However, this treatment is not suitable if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive procedure that uses micro-pulse technology to gently heat the dermal layer of the skin, resulting in the production of new skin cells. Laser genesis is most commonly done on the face or neck, although this procedure is suitable anywhere on the body. This unique treatment stimulates fibroblasts in the skin, which are like collagen powerhouses that enhance the skins potential for making its own collagen. A more youthful complexion is achieved as the skin becomes stronger and learns to repair itself creating better skin texture, reduced pore size, less redness and wrinkle depth.
After a Laser Genesis treatment, your skin will look brighter and more youthful, wrinkles softened, pores smaller, and you will see an immediate improvement in diffuse redness, rosacea, and acne scarring. Thanks to collagen and elastin induction in the dermis, which is the second layer of your skin, your skin structure and elasticity will be stronger, healthier, and more rejuvenated with a signature glow and resilient complexion.

Most patients report seeing results after their first treatment, but it normally takes more than one treatment to see the final outcome as collagen remodelling in the skin takes time, usually showing improvements for 4-6 weeks after treatment.

A Laser Genesis treatment will take approximately 30 minutes but is also dependent on the size of the area being treated. We recommend that you come to your appointment without any makeup on and with clean, dry skin.

For optimal results, we recommend a series of 4-6 treatments, approximately 2-4 weeks apart, to achieve healthy, vibrant skin.

Laser Genesis is not painful. You may feel a bit of heat from the laser, and most patients enjoy the feeling of warmth on the skin during treatments. Simply relax and experience a warm, soothing sensation while the laser is hard at work deeply rejuvenating your skin.
There is no downtime required post treatment. Recovery from Laser Genesis is minimal and you can return to your regular activities immediately. Laser genesis is a very safe procedure with minimal side effects. Redness and slight swelling may occur but will typically clear on their own within a few days.
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CO2 laser

CO2 laser facial rejuvenation is the gold standard in resurfacing sun damaged skin and reversing the effects of ageing, including fine lines and wrinkles. Skin resurfacing involves removing the uppermost layer of the skin and thus taking away any sun damage, acne scarring or fine lines and wrinkles, thereby enhancing the texture and tone of the skin.

CO2 laser is suitable for anyone with sun damaged skin or those who wish to reverse the effects of ageing, including fine lines and wrinkles.

The CO2 laser is a dual laser, meaning that it has two lasers which work at different wavelengths. One of the lasers is used to target sun damage in the top layer of the skin (epidermis) while the other laser goes deeper, targeting the dermis, the layer of the skin which is responsible for producing collagen. The CO2 laser produces small columns of laser beams which precisely penetrate the skin, stimulating deep regeneration and rejuvenation. The top layer of the skin is removed during treatment, while the small columns of laser beams pierce the dermis and remodel collagen, resulting in significant firming and smoothing of the skin. The small columns of laser beams also leave untouched skin in between the columns, which is why they are called fractional, as only a fraction of the skin is treated, but an overall impact is still obtained, thus improving healing and recovery time compared with traditional CO2 lasers.
Fractional CO2 lasers are considered to be the strongest resurfacing lasers. Shortly after treatment you will experience an increase in skin tightness, an improvement in skin texture and a more youthful looking complexion. Over the next six months you can also expect to see ongoing skin tightening and increased firmness of the skin with improvement in fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a more even, youthful and rested appearance of the skin.
Total treatment time is dependent on the area being treated but may be up to 2.5 hours. A topical numbing cream may be applied prior to the treatment. The number of treatments depends on the area being treated, your age and your skin quality. Fractional CO2 laser treatments are tailored to your skins needs and requirements.
Prior to the treatment, a topical numbing cream may be applied to the skin and left on for 1-1½ hours for increased comfort during the treatment. You may experience a prickling sensation during the treatment which can be mildly uncomfortable.
CO2 laser generates abrasion and ablation of the skin which makes daily care for the skin essential post treatment. The recovery time will depend on the aggressiveness of the treatment and the way you care for your skin for the next 5 to 7 days. This deep treatment means that downtime is expected as the process of ‘out with the old, in with the new’ occurs. We recommend washing your hands thoroughly before touching the skin, avoid picking or feeling the skin, or applying make-up or perfume. Avoid strenuous exercise in the first few days and alcohol for 24 hours post treatment.
Total Face: $800
If combined with Radio-frequency micro-needling: $1200 total
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EXCELV vascular laser


EXCELV Laser is an innovative laser treatment used to treat a range of vascular skin concerns including rosacea, broken blood vessels, acne scarring, and flushing.

The EXCELV Laser procedure is delivered through a hand piece that is applied directly onto the skin. The EXCELV Laser treats vascular skin concerns by administering a unique high-power laser that is absorbed by the abnormal blood vessels in the skin. The laser heats the abnormal vessels until they are removed, restoring the patient’s natural skin tone and colour. The EXCELV Laser hand piece is placed over the affected areas of the skin until the abnormal vessels diminish. To minimise discomfort and protect your skin during the procedure, the EXCELV Laser uses a very effective cooling mechanism.

EXCELV Laser is suitable for both men and women of all ages and skin tones. However, this treatment is not suitable if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

After an EXCELV Laser treatment, you will notice an immediate improvement in the texture and tone of your skin as well as reduction in redness, stretchmarks, veins and dark circles around the eye area. This is primarily due to the unique method of diffusion and collagen remodelling properties of the EXCELV Laser.

Most patients report seeing results after their first treatment, but it normally takes more than one treatment to see the final outcome as collagen remodelling in the skin takes time. The results of EXCELV Laser treatment can normally be seen within a few days of treatment but it may require several treatment sessions depending on the area and why you are having EXCELV Laser. Improvements will continue to be seen for 4-6 weeks after treatment.

An EXCELV treatment will take approximately 30 minutes but is also dependent on the size of the area being treated. We recommend that you come to your appointment without any makeup on and with clean, dry skin.

The number of treatments recommended will be determined at your first consultation.

Most patients report experiencing minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Downtime will vary depending on individual treatment. It is common to experience swelling for up to 7 days and redness for 2-3 days. Recovery from EXCELV Laser is varied. You may want to allow a few days before returning to your regular activities. Treatment may be followed with LED red light therapy to aid healing.

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Pastelle Laser

$350 – $500

The Pastelle Laser is the gold standard laser technology treating epidermal and dermal pigmented lesions. It also helps melasma and age spots. The benefit of this laser treatment, compared with IPL or Fraxel, is that it goes deeper beneath the skin and causes the melanin or pigment to scatter without damaging the healthy cells, therefore providing a quick rejuvenation for the skin.

The Pastelle Laser treatment is a non-ablative procedure, which means that the laser works without heating the surface of the skin, meaning no pain or downtime. Melanin (pigment) in the skin is expanded by absorbing the energy of the laser, then fragmented and broken into pieces to be egested out of the body, leaving the healthy skin cells intact.

Pastelle Laser is suitable for both men and women of all ages and skin tones. It is especially suitable for those with melasma or areas of brown skin pigmentation.

Pastelle Laser treatments rejuvenate and maintain the skin, restore skin integrity and radiance, and improve skin tone and texture leaving you with a cleaner and more flawless complexion. You may also notice an improvement in pore size, reduction in acne, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, and collagen and elastin stimulation in the skin.

It normally takes more than one treatment to see results and several treatment sessions may be required depending on the condition being treated. Therefore, the Pastelle Laser treatment is a gradual process and strict sun avoidance is essential.

A Pastelle Laser treatment will take approximately 30 minutes but is also dependent on the size of the area being treated. We recommend that you come to your appointment without any makeup on and with clean, dry skin.

The number of treatments recommended will be determined at your first consultation.

The Pastelle Laser treatment is quick and painless.

There is no downtime required post treatment. Most patients can return to their regular activities immediately. Avoid direct sun exposure and apply sunscreen to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

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